Peaky Blinders is a show that started in 2013 on BBC, and it is six seasons long. The series takes place in Birmingham, England during the years after World War I, and it focuses on a gang called Peaky Blinders—based off of an actual gang founded in the 1880s. The gang is headed by a former soldier named Thomas Shelby, who came home from fighting in “the Great War.” The show has received high acclaim, and there is even a Peaky Blinders movie in the works.

One of the most interesting parts of watching a historical based show or movie is learning about the fashion at that time. Around a century later, we obviously have very different tastes in clothing and accessories than people who lived through the first World War. So, it is incredible that we have period shows and movies to forever memorialize old trends. They’re almost like little time capsules at our fingertips showing us how people in those years acted, talked, and dressed.

This being said, let’s dive into the fashion in Peaky Blinders! Here’s what to expect from this article:

  • What 1910s-1920s trends do characters display?
  • What was going on in England and around the world at this time that influences these trends?
  • What are some pieces that can help you achieve the look of different characters?

Women’s Clothing Trends at the Time

Belts, longer jackets, and shorter dresses were in for women at the time.
Image courtesy of Pinterest.

Wartime fashion called for a more natural, everyday look. Prior to World War I, women would wear tight corsets and long, heavy dresses that covered their shoes. However, during and after the war, women began to ditch the corsets and long dresses for a less accentuated waistline and a shorter dress that was easier to move in. With this also came the use of belts and longer jackets, which were considered the clothes of working women.

When men went to fight in the war, women across the world stepped up to work laborious jobs that had to get done. They transitioned to working in factories, driving cars, and farming. A shorter dress was more practical to move around in, and it conserved cloth, among other resources, during the time of war.

Women in Peaky Blinders showcase the style at the time.
Image courtesy of Pinterest.

Although the dresses worn by the women in Peaky Blinders might be considered modest and formal today, before World War I, it was not common to wear a dress above ankle length or go without a tight corset. The start of the war was a turning point not only in women’s fashion, but more importantly, in the fight for equal rights.

In England at this time, women did not yet have the right to vote, and they would not be granted the ability to vote until 1928. However, the work of women in previously male-dominated industries combined with the adoption of more practical, breathable clothing paved the way for other harmful gender roles to be broken down in the years to come.

Recreating this Look

Key components to this look: a string of pearls, a belt, and heeled shoes.
Image courtesy of Forbes.

If you’d like to recreate a look from this era, you want to find a dress that ends past your knees but above your ankles. The addition of a belt was a softer way to highlight the waistline without the full restriction of a corset, so wearing a belt is also essential to your outfit.

As for accessories, women adorned themselves with pearl necklaces and earrings to add a touch of femininity to the seemingly more androgynous clothes. This is a touch that pulls the look together, along with the right shoes. Since this period was the start of women’s shoes being visible rather than hidden by their long dresses, the choice of shoes became more important. Simple, slightly heeled shoes are a great way to end this look.

Shopping Recommendations

Women’s Trench Coat from Walmart.

This jacket layered over a dress would be a perfect way to dress like the ladies in Peaky Blinders. At Walmart you can purchase this piece for under $30 and in three different colors. It is available in black, khaki, and white, which will match with almost any dress or skirt. This jacket is arguably the make-or-break piece, considering how frequently it was worn by the female characters in the show.

Designed by Shelby Brothers to honor Polly Gray.

A good outfit always includes the perfect accessories! If you loved Polly Gray’s character, you should take a look at this bag, which was fully inspired by her.

Men’s Clothing Trends at the Time

Post-WWI, men dressed nicely as a way to celebrate the end of war.
Image courtesy of Netflix.

The most apparent fashion trend in Peaky Blinders is the love for flat caps and suits. After the men got home from fighting in the war, there was a sense of joy and excitement. The years immediately after the war were celebratory, and men got dressed up in sleek suits everyday. There was no longer a need to conserve materials or wear mourning clothes, so they took full advantage of being able to dress how they’d like.

The costume designer for Peaky Blinders used tweed suits in particular to display how organized crime members in the ‘20s dressed after making it into “high society.” Their clothes had to match the level of power and wealth they were gaining through crime, and tweed is often used in expensive suits. The designer also noted that the actors frequently got their costumes tailored, because established men always had a perfect fit.

Recreating this Look

Flat caps are a must!Image courtesy of Peaky Hat.

If you’re looking to recreate this look, the most obvious place to start is by getting a flat cap. No matter how far Tommy Shelby advances, he stays true to himself by always wearing his flat cap. In addition to the hat, wearing a suit made of materials like tweed, silk, cashmere, or wool will help you achieve this look. ‘20s fashion is all about looking your best, so nice dress shoes, small touches of jewelry, and leather gloves can help you elevate this look even further.

Shopping Recommendations

Shelby Brothers centers around making authentic pieces based on the show and time period.

If you’re a big Peaky Blinders fan, you will be amazed by the brand Shelby Brothers. As you can tell by the name, they are heavily inspired by Peaky Blinders fashion, and they make suits, caps, coats, shoes, and more. Several of their products are even named after specific characters in the show, so if you know exactly what look from the show you want to recreate, this site makes it easy for you to find exactly what you need.

Get your flat cap from Peaky Hat!

Peaky Hat sells what they call “The Original Peaky Razor Hat,” so look no further for a flat cap! This cap sells for $55, has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, and over sixty reviews. The reviews describe how well the cap fits them and how high the quality is.

Last Thoughts on Peaky Blinders Fashion

World War I was the first time humans had experienced violence on such a large scale. It was a life-changing event for everyone that lived through it, so it is no mystery as to why every aspect of life, including fashion, would never be the same again. Peaky Blinders brought attention to such a pivotal time period in history and portrayed its grit beautifully. We hope that looking into the origins of 1910s and ‘20s clothing trends was an interesting way to gain context behind a show you love!
